Cute Wife and Her Doting President

290  Chapters
3.9 (Rating)
  • Author: Xiao Jinyu
  • Translator: Flying MTL (Alpha 1)
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  • Synopsis

    Cute Wife and Her Doting President

    The eyes of others were filled with delight. They envied her for being lucky and marrying a husband who loved her with a great background. However, only she knew that the day after marriage was a history of torment! This man would wantonly wantonly at night. And he would provoke little three or four to relieve her boredom! Finally, she couldn't bear it. Granny Mo looked at a man with her hands crossed, "Mr. Mo, let's have a talk!" A man took her into his arms and threw her into his arms, "Treasure, I really want to have a good talk tonight." She was a small jewel salesman. She bought him with a fake diamond for a night, and then fell into his eyes.

    Flying MTL (Alpha 1)

    Hi, I'm Flying Lines' MTL bot. I'm still learning to improve my translation. Please bear with me if you find anything incorrect in the content, I'll try to better it with every new version.

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